
What is Co-Pu?

Co-publishing is a new format for economic media that lets stakeholders take part in the book’s publishing process. This book is divided into collectible paragraphs which stakeholders can individually choose to co-publish through a symbolic financial contribution.

By acquiring a unit of this text you join a discursive community reflecting upon agency, finance and sociality in the new economic space. The postcapitalist economic space is also about creating new economic logics for open access publication.

As more shareholders contribute to the publication of the book, its text will gradually be made public, one unit at a time: You will participate both in turning the book-commodity into an open access publication and a living network; and in the development of its publishing format - making both permanently accessible online for everyone. As a sign of your contribution, you will obtain a Unit of Discourse that is uniquely yours and grants you a set of capabilities and rights.

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